Thursday, April 15, 2010

This Time of Year

This is always the time of year when I reflect on what happened throughout the school year and what I want to do different for next year. I get excited to think about what new challenges will come next year, but also look forward to ending the year and relaxing over the summer. There are always new ideas I want to try, ways I want to improve, and things I want to do differently. Big changes are happening at our school, and I am excited to be a part of them!


  1. There must be something in the air because I have also been thinking about this past year and all that has happened. I am counting the days until the end and yet I am also thinking about next year and how things may be different.

  2. As an involved parent and community member, I too am excited about change. I know that change is difficult for some but if we wait just a little while, it usually feels pretty good. I look forward to seeing how Thoreau grows with new ideas and hopefully some new technology making a difference in the lives of all teachers and learners. There does already seem to be a bit of excitement and buzz in the air there.
